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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Humorless \Hu"mor*less\, a. Destitute of humor.


a. Lacking humor or levity; serious; not funny, amusing, amused, or lighthearted.


adj. lacking humor; "it was a humorless wink; a wink of warning"- Truman Capote [syn: humourless, unhumorous] [ant: humorous]

Usage examples of "humorless".

The pickets held back, but they watched him intently and closely, and as he stepped away from them down the corridor, following Adelaide, they stalked after him with hard and humorless faces.

Two years later, Andrew married Abby Durfee Grady, a shy, squat, heavy, and humorless woman from a family nearly as prominent as the Bordens.

Russian delegation, headed by the tall, humorless Soviet Ambassador, Yuri Andropov, and the Soviet Politburo idealogue, Mikhail Suslov, was demanding only that the troops be allowed to quit the country with their banners flying and bands playing to avoid humiliation.

But every once in a while, on humorless nights like these, I think about how sharp and sure I felt when I was sprinting across those manicured lawns, jumping the finely-trimmed hedges and hitting the running board on that slow-cruising truck.

Until they were finally fully banned, psychotropic drugs had been common at comedy clubs for the terminally humorless.

Max thinks Benton, whose name he does not know, is a wacko intellectual snob, probably a professor at Harvard or MIT, and a humorless one at that.

Thus was the savage and stupid and entirely inappropriate and unnecessary and humorless American class system created.

He leaned out of the window to ask where the recruits and their humorless sergeant were supposed to go, but before he could ask the question the MP answered it for him.

A humorless smile touched his lips and his eyes gleamed with a light that frightened Chris.