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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ It makes us feel better about our own humdrum lives that too much fun is so clearly bad for the health.
▪ a humdrum job
▪ Going to night school might improve your chances of getting out of that humdrum job.
▪ Occasional holidays abroad were the only things that brightened up her otherwise humdrum life.
▪ How I wish all this was over and I could get back to my humdrum routine.
▪ It could come in the wastes of the night, or at the most humdrum moments of the day.
▪ Mirth is an escape from the humdrum just as the transcendent is an escape from the mundane.
▪ Such excitement was absent during a first half that was more humdrum than humdinger.
▪ Their lives were, and are, humdrum.
▪ They get accustomed to humdrum research and will create more when the current assignment runs dry.
▪ You should still spot-check for humdrum words and phrases.
▪ Zeinab, whatever else she might be, was definitely not humdrum.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Humdrum \Hum"drum`\, a. Monotonous; dull; commonplace. ``A humdrum crone.''


Humdrum \Hum"drum`\, n.

  1. A dull fellow; a bore.
    --B. Jonson.

  2. Monotonous and tedious routine.

    Dissatisfied with humdrum.
    --The Nation.

  3. A low cart with three wheels, drawn by one horse.


a. Lacking variety or excitement; dull; boring. n. The quality of lacking variety or excitement; dullness.

  1. adj. not challenging; dull and lacking excitement; "an unglamorous job greasing engines" [syn: commonplace, prosaic, unglamorous, unglamourous]

  2. tediously repetitious or lacking in variety; "a humdrum existence; all work and no play"; "nothing is so monotonous as the sea" [syn: monotonous]


Humdrum is a 1999 British animated comedy short film directed by Peter Peake. It was released in 1998 and produced by Aardman Animations and received an Oscar nomination for Animated Short Film and a BAFTA nomination in the same category.

Usage examples of "humdrum".

Despite a conservative training--or because of it, for humdrum lives breed wistful longings of the unknown--he swore a great oath to scale that avoided northern cliff and visit the abnormally antique gray cottage in the sky.

The firm that he worked for saw fit to send him one day on a prosaic business errand to the far city of Vienna, and, having sent him there, continued to keep him there, still engaged in humdrum affairs of commerce, but with the possibilities of romance and adventure, or even misadventure, jostling at his elbow.

Thus the months glided rapidly and serenely away, and he was positively happy in a mode of life that he once would have characterized as odiously humdrum.

A love of ornamentation defied poverty and broke out in an unexpected archway, an unpremeditated fountain in a narrow court, a flight of wrought-iron balconies, capable of lifting the spirits even of the humdrum.

Were it so, the festival would have no meaning, for what else is it but the ultimate negation of all the petty nonfulfillments of humdrum, everyday life?

Men who had been confined to cities, chained to dull and humdrum toils, stagnating in the noisy haunts, sore and sick and deflated, standing for some impossible end, when let loose in the grey, iron-walled barrens of the desert were caught by a subtle and insidious enchantment that transfigured some, made beasts of most, and mysteriously bound all.

Hither came no payers of formal calls, no leavers of cards, no pests from the humdrum world to open their mouths and utter foolishness.

A composite feeling, made up of disgust with the, to him, humdrum tediousness of a farmer’s life, gloomy images of her who lay in the churchyard, remorse, and a general averseness to his wife’s society, impelled him to seek a home in any place on earth save Weatherbury.

A crowd that has just watched a rather humdrum game experiences far less life-affirmation than a crowd that believes it has just missed the most dramatic event in sporting history.

A crowd that has just watched a rather humdrum game experiences far less lifeaffirmation than a crowd that believes it has just missed the most dramatic event in sporting history.

A crowd that has just watched a rather humdrum game experiences far less life- affirmation than a crowd that believes it has just missed the most dramatic event in sporting history.

He would sell everything humdrum and buy ancient tools at barn auctions and flea markets, until the shop resembled a nineteenth-century inventor's workroom and he could sit inhaling a combination of machine oil and wood and oxidizing iron, his favorite smells.

He had no idea what had happened, but it was a lot more exciting than the humdrum piece of nuclear engineering that had started the whole business.

Hildy Johnson's intrusion had jogged his memory on the subject, so he refiled the story-arc analysis and brought up the brainstorming-session minutes, a series of memos ranging from the humdrum to the impractical, with the solid ideas usually buried somewhere in the middle.

This necessity was incidentally so great that it permitted, he believed as part of his self-set rules, the use of outwardly perceptible and testifiable magic and need not be puttied over with realism, as in the case of more humdrum beings.