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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Humble \Hum"ble\, a. [Compar. Humbler; superl. Humblest.] [F., fr. L. humilis on the ground, low, fr. humus the earth, ground. See Homage, and cf. Chameleon, Humiliate.]

  1. Near the ground; not high or lofty; not pretentious or magnificent; unpretending; unassuming; as, a humble cottage.

    THy humble nest built on the ground.

  2. Thinking lowly of one's self; claiming little for one's self; not proud, arrogant, or assuming; thinking one's self ill-deserving or unworthy, when judged by the demands of God; lowly; waek; modest.

    God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.
    --Jas. iv. 6.

    She should be humble who would please.

    Without a humble imitation of the divine Author of our . . . religion we can never hope to be a happy nation.

    Humble plant (Bot.), a species of sensitive plant, of the genus Mimosa ( Mimosa sensitiva).

    To eat humble pie, to endure mortification; to submit or apologize abjectly; to yield passively to insult or humilitation; -- a phrase derived from a pie made of the entrails or humbles of a deer, which was formerly served to servants and retainers at a hunting feast. See Humbles.


Humbler \Hum"bler\, n. One who, or that which, humbles some one.


a. (en-comparative of: humble) n. 1 One who humbles. 2 (context BDSM English) A physical restraint that clamps around the base of the scrotum and prevents straightening of the legs.


Humbler may refer to:

  • Humility
  • Humbler (BDSM), a BDSM device
  • Humbler, a controversial commercial for the vacuum operated exhaust (VOE), a short lived device on the 1970 Pontiac GTO

Usage examples of "humbler".

Sulla knew he would never attain, which only gave added luster to the humbler efforts of Quintus Gavius Myrto.

No one seems to give a thought to the fact that in a bad winter, humbler people starve to death that said horses and hawks be properly fed.

But when the defenders left their positions and their now-useless six-pounders, dropped their calivers, and fled toward the city, only to be almost all cut down by the fire from the ship, the humbler besiegersand not a few not so humblescreamed, shouted, cheered, and hugged each other in an excess of unbridled glee.

Behind him, Bass could hear an increasing spate of whisperings and mumbling among the humbler men who made up the most of the rebel force.

It was not his instinct to clash with the humbler classes, and he generally reserved his anger for those who could retort it.

He was greatly beloved by the humbler classes, who, days before his death, beset the chateau, praising and lamenting him.

Following the example of such at a great distance and along a humbler path, I have attempted to write something of events of which I have been a witness, and of some of the principal actors therein during the last third of a century.

His stain spread across the world, and the air and the sea and the earth became fouled with the poisons of His works, and many humbler creatures were slaughtered utterly.

None of them ever thought for an instant that I might mean the posh southern county, and some of them even knew where its humbler namesake was.

It was much larger than the one Jerana lived in, with several roomy houses of stone between humbler cottages.

I was born of honest parents in one of the humbler walks of life, my father being a manufacturer of dog-oil and my mother having a small studio in the shadow of the village church, where she disposed of unwelcome babes.

I am humbler now, and trust the divine humility has begun to work out mine.

Burroughs seems to administer counsel to Martha Carrier, whose face and mien, methinks, are milder and humbler than they were.

He lived in great comfort, that was obvious, and she wondered how he would like the humbler home she hoped to find for them.

And haply, as the years increase -- Still working through its humbler reach With that large wisdom which the ages teach -- Revive the half-dead dream of universal peace!