a. Like a human or that of a human in form or appearance. n. (cx scifi English) A robot resembling a human.
Usage examples of "humaniform".
His type of humaniform robot used initiative in many important ways, however, not just to determine large-scale courses of action.
These were optimal for a robot, even a humaniform, with the added benefit of reducing her energy use to a minimum.
The head was that of an early robot, not humaniform, somewhat cruder than Plussix.
And why should he worry especially about Lodovik, when their ship would cany some fifty humaniform robots, temporarily asleep, and the severed heads of many more?
Bloody Mary and they settled themselves into padded microclimate armchairs while the bar went to work, two humaniform robots standing by to serve the drinks.
GoBop led the way toward files, through hundreds of branches and active windows, each one overseen by humaniform memory residents.
OLD corporate symbol and logo, showing a human and a humaniform machine side by side, supporting an Earth globe on upraised arms.
An unnamed semisentient AI presided over a staff of three humaniform robots, who were decomped in machine niches astern.
Instead, he had separated into his six component gestalt humaniform robots and vanished.
He was an experimental humaniform robot of a type that was new this year, 2140.
MC Governor sat down in his desk chair and plugged his humaniform forefinger into a wall jack once more.
The humaniform robot face of Mojave Center Governor came on the video screen.
The six component humaniform robots comprising him could not run the simulation individually.
According to our request, you are a humaniform robot six feet tall, capable of altering your appearance at will, and I would like to know what appearance you will use as you proceed.
In its fully assembled state, the Governor Robot resembles an oversized humaniform robot.