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A hukilau is a way of fishing invented by the ancient Hawaiians. The word comes from huki, meaning pull, and lau, meaning leaves. A large number of people, usually family and friends, would work together in casting the net from shore and then pulling it back. The net was lined with ti leaves, which would help scare the fish into the center of the net.1 Consistent with the Hawaiian subsistence economy, anybody who helped could share in the catch. Hukilau Beach, in Lā'ie, is named after the technique, which has been used there for centuries.

A festive beach gathering is also known to local Hawaiians as a hukilau, and there is a traditional song and dance known as the hukilau.

Usage examples of "hukilau".

Maui believed in placid sunny fishing villages, hukilaus where the village raised its voice in polyphonous song, strumming ukeleles no doubt.