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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Huff \Huff\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Huffed; p. pr. & vb. n. Huffing.] [Cf. OE. hoove to puff up, blow; prob. of imitative origin.]

  1. To swell; to enlarge; to puff up; as, huffed up with air.

  2. To treat with insolence and arrogance; to chide or rebuke with insolence; to hector; to bully.

    You must not presume to huff us.

  3. (Draughts) To remove from the board (the piece which could have captured an opposing piece). See Huff, v. i., 3.


n. (context colloquial English) The act of inhaling psychoactive inhalants. vb. (present participle of huff English)

  1. adj. breathing heavily [syn: puffing, puffy]

  2. n. an act of forcible exhalation [syn: puffing, snorting]

Usage examples of "huffing".

Fallon stopped, huffing and puffing, watching through the wide door as cops combed through the stuff in the cluttered workshop.

She would come into the kitchen huffing and puffing and throwing her weight about.

The dirty water was thrown out as the rotund cook came huffing and heaving with a fresh pail to fill the basin.

The large headmaster rubbed a kerchief across his blotchy face, huffing and puffing almost continually as his bloated body tried to pull in enough air.

She was blundering through the brush, huffing indignantly at branches that snagged her clothes.

Tom worked hard at it, huffing and grunting as he struggled to sort himself out, then, strangely, he found the traverse a bit easier.

The huffing and puffing went on behind me as I shivered and worked out what I was going to do next.

Dellman set a swift pace, so that Jojonah was huffing and puffing by the time they came in sight of the other torches.

Her father was huffing along gamely to keep up, but his big, flat-footed friend was grinning and waving at the camera.

Sleek, giving the impression of great speed even when motionless, it rested on the tracks, huffing lazy sparkler puffs from its stack.

Eberhardt had run up the hill to try to help, with Roy huffing close behind.

He was huffing and puffing when he reached the police car, and drooped wearily across the hood.

Sounds darted out of the haze to challenge and tease-the shrill call of night birds, the click of insects, scrapes and rustlings, huffings and snarls.

The sounds were all about, snarls and growls and huffings, slicing through the haze, out of the shadows.