Howzzattt is a digital 2D animation series, focusing on the adventures of a bunch of cricket-crazy youngsters, who like to call them as 'Gulab Nagar Junglees'. The series was originally developed by Toonz Animation, as a Comic Series titled 'Cricket Miracles'. The Animation series is based on the original story ideas from comic issues. The first run on Discovery Kids comprised 13 episodes and has already ended, while re-runs are still on air. It was developed by Renju Ramesh and Rathan Sam George, from Toonz Animation India, written by (Seasons 1; Period 2013) Srivinay Salian, script supervised by Renju Ramesh and is broadcast on Discovery Kids. The series quickly became popular, inspiring the producers to launch an Android Mobile Game, titled 'Howzzattt Game'. The series is available on DVD as a four volume set.