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how much

adv. (context interrogative English) what is the cost/price det. (context interrogative English) what quantity

Usage examples of "how much".

I use his real name only because Jason knows how much I like and respect him, despite his incredible faux pas.

All Salem could do was stare at the man's watch and wonder how much time was left before more of this started to happen.

The whole way over, Joey was pumping me full of shit, telling me how much he loved me and how we were gonna have such a romantic time.

I'd all at once realized how much I missed Heatherand how supremely dumb I'd been to marry Sue Smith and abandon Heather.

What it is depends on the part of the country you live in and how much money you can put into it, but it should be chosen with view to the possibilities it offers of eating off the country-fish, game, garden plot-and it should be near enough for you to reach it on one tank of gasoline.

And -- and I say this as a professional fiction writer -- the producers, scriptwriters, and directors who create these video/audio worlds do not know how much of their content is true.

Speaking for myself, I do not know how much of my writing is true, or which parts (if any) are true.

Forget Alzheimer's - do you know how much middle-aged men would pay for a genuine baldness cure?