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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a house-to-house search (=a search of every house or building in an area)
▪ Police are conducting house-to-house searches in the area where the girl disappeared.
▪ The street collection raised £255.41 and the house-to-house collection realised £2,928.
▪ Another was a newcomer to our church and to our city, doing an Edinburgh house-to-house collection for the first time.
▪ We will be making street and house-to-house collections during Battle of Britain Week.
▪ But there were no authorised house-to-house collections, said a spokesman.
▪ Peacekeeping troops set up road blocks and conducted house-to-house searches.
▪ It was Major Volpi who had been given responsibility for putting up road-blocks and carrying out house-to-house searches.
▪ Some 200 militants were arrested in house-to-house searches beginning on April 13.
▪ A minute earlier he had been feeling sorry for the men who were still out on house-to-house questioning.
▪ Culley ordered a house-to-house in the area.
▪ Detectives yesterday carried out house-to-house enquiries in the hope of tracking the gang.
▪ He found Kersey, sitting at the desk in an upstair, borrowed office surrounded by house-to-house reports prepared on the premises.
▪ It was Major Volpi who had been given responsibility for putting up road-blocks and carrying out house-to-house searches.
▪ Peacekeeping troops set up road blocks and conducted house-to-house searches.
▪ Road blocks were set up and a helicopter brought in from Manchester as police began house-to-house inquiries.
▪ The Pearl has a 6,500-strong sales force which collects insurance premiums and arranges policies by the simple expedient of house-to-house calls.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

house-to-house \house-to-house\ adj. omitting no one; proceeding from the door of one house to that of the next; as, house-to-house canvassing.

Syn: door-to-door.


adj. omitting no one; from the door of one house to that of the next; "a door-to-door campaign"; "house-to-house coverage" [syn: door-to-door]

Usage examples of "house-to-house".

The small settlement, to whose teahouses the monks went for their dissipations, was a landing-place for vessels plying back and forth across the lake, and the bawdyhouses buzzed with excitement when Kiyomori and his troopers arrived to surround it in a house-to-house search.

He went into a town, persuaded an influential farmer to go about with him in a house-to-house canvass, talked to the other farmers of the vicinity, stirred them up to interest and excitement, organized a Grange, and then left the town.

If they didn’t move decisively, if they didn’t shock the enemy and keep them off balance, they could quickly find themselves bogged down in a house-to-house fight where they would be outnumbered—an entrenched street-by-street battle against a well-seasoned force that was not known for taking prisoners.

Over a cup of muckefuk, as the coffee substitute was called, we thought back to the battle of Normandy, to the terrible events in the Falaise pocket and, of course, to the bitter house-to-house fighting in Rittershoffen.

Doomed by nonsupport from the Irish Volunteers and the country at large, the rebellion failed after a week of bloody house-to-house combat that leveled much of Dublin's center and resulted in 130 British soldiers dead.

It is like a mock-up slapped together from tar paper and canvas, like the fake towns where they practiced house-to-house warfare during boot camp.