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n. The state or characteristic of being hotheaded; the tendency to be easily infuriated or provoked.

Usage examples of "hotheadedness".

And I should account it most blameable hotheadedness to have sallied forth when it seemed Spitfire had the victory.

Aside from the general hotheadedness of the species itself, the Froffli government was one of the few that had already come out publicly for sanctions against the Bothans.

No one can accuse me of youth, inexperience, hotheadedness, a desire to woo the crowds, or any of the usual reasons a man might want the tribunate of the plebs.

Connacht, and then in Leinster, until the treachery of kings and his own momentary hotheadedness had resulted in his exile.

The hotheadedness of youth had been replaced by the cool - apparent - wisdom of maturity.

Ned, I sympathize with your sentiments, and even admire your resolve which, while founded on ignorance and hotheadedness, nevertheless contains elements of courage.

Now go upstairs and say hello to your brother and let me speak with Aster without your hotheadedness interfering.

I swear, Alexandra, one day all this hotheadedness is going to come back to haunt you.

Bird Dog had been in more tight spots and deadly conflicts, often as the result of his own hotheadedness, than any other pilot Coyote could think of.