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Crossword clues for hotelier

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Leisure and the Conference Market Many hoteliers believe that leisure facilities give them the edge over their competitors in relation to conference business.
▪ Many hoteliers, both independents and chain operators, feel they have to charge £50 or £100 to make a profit.
▪ Mow small systems are technically feasible and schemes exist which involve the hotelier in no capital cost at all.
▪ Read in studio A decision to cut a town's tourist budget by more than half has angered shopkeepers and hoteliers.
▪ The hotelier doesn't mind if you stay in your room.
▪ We become doctors, nurses, hoteliers, lawyers or writers because our parents were.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

hotelier \hotelier\, hotelkeeper \hotelkeeper\, hotelman \hotelman\n. an owner or manager of a hotel or hotels.

Syn: hotelkeeper, hotel manager, hotelman, hosteller.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1905, from French hôtelier "hotelkeeper," Old French hostelier, from hostel (see hostel).


n. someone who runs a hotel


n. an owner or manager of hotels [syn: hotelkeeper, hotel manager, hotelman, hosteller]

Hotelier (TV series)

Hotelier is a 2001 South Korean television drama series set in Seoul Hotel, a fictional five-star hotel undergoing an expensive expansion and renovation. The word " hotelier" means "a person who owns or runs a hotel."

Starring Bae Yong-joon, Song Yun-ah, Kim Seung-woo and Song Hye-kyo, it aired on MBC from April 4 to July 7, 2001 on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 21:55 for 20 episodes. Bae's character is based on Korean-American businessman Hong Seung-pyo.

Hotelier (disambiguation)

Hotelier usually refers to a Hotel manager.

Hotelier may also refer to:

  • Hotelier (TV series), a South Korean TV drama broadcast in 2001 in 20 episodes
  • Hotelier (2007 TV series), a Japanese TV drama broadcast in 2007 in 9 episodes
  • The Hotelier, an American rock band
Hotelier (2007 TV series)

is a Japanese television drama series based on the South Korean TV series of the same name.

Usage examples of "hotelier".

Within two or three successive seconds, millions of people in widely separated areas-factory and office workers, farmers, housewives, shoppers, salesclerks, restaurant operators, printers, service station attendants, stock-brokers, hoteliers, hairdressers, movie projectionists and patrons, streetcar motormen, TV station staffs and viewers, bartenders, mail sorters, wine makers, doctors, dentists, veterinarians, pinball players .

Within two or three successive seconds, millions of people in widely separated areas-factory and office workers, farmers, housewives, shoppers, salesclerks, restaurant operators, printers, service station attendants, stock-brokers, hoteliers, hairdressers, movie projectionists and patrons, streetcar motormen, TV station staffs and viewers, bartenders, mail sorters, wine makers, doctors, dentists, veterinarians, pinball players .

HOTEL case long ago learned-which was the constant despair of hoteliers everywhere.

But the current occupants were neither harmless hoteliers nor predictable, regular army troops.

My memories include all curricula of Procrustes Institute of Hotelier Science, including all case studies updated to midnight yesterday.

He is the Sultan of Shills, the perfect mouthpiece for the hungry-eyed developers, hoteliers, bankers, and lawyers who have made South Florida what it is today: Newark with palm trees.