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hotel desk clerk

n. a hotel receptionist [syn: desk clerk, hotel clerk]

Usage examples of "hotel desk clerk".

The hotel desk clerk informed him there was the excellent Etoile du Nord express for Brussels leaving the Gare du Nord at 5.

Neither, surely, would use the hotel desk clerk to pass on a message of urgency.

Juanito now remembered that he had heard the hotel desk clerk mention the same name - Abdee - to his mother.

A cabby, a skycap, a hotel desk clerk, a bellman, horn-honkers in a traffic jam, a suspicious neighbor, a uniformed police officer.

Don Exbridge likes him because he's clean-cut and good with people - the result of having been a hotel desk clerk, I suppose.

Ethan concluded his conversation with the hotel desk clerk and picked up the remaining wedge of his ham sandwich, but one of his two phone lines rang before he could take a bite.

He had bribed the hotel desk clerk into admitting him to the expensive Blue Suite three hours before either Count Slavek or Renee Cuyler arrived for their none-too-private assignation.

The hotel desk clerk said he'd been staying there for a week, and that he was 'a very troubled dude, not a nice person, and a serious asshole.