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horses' mouths

n. (horse's mouth English)

Usage examples of "horses' mouths".

The horses' mouths had been soft bound with sheepskin to prevent them from blowing and whickering as they moved.

Twice we stopped and I sponged out the horses' mouths and gave that Dorinda girl a mouthful of water to drink.

They'd take the bits from the horses' mouths then, letting them graze and drink more easily.

They were noticing what the Americans had not noticed-that the horses' mouths were bleeding, gashed by the bits, that the horses' hooves were broken, so that every step meant agony, that the horses were insane with thirst.

Taking his whip in his hand, and lightly feeling his horses' mouths, he nodded to the groom.

At Drylaw police station, the day shift hadn't come on yet, which meant that he heard it from the horses' mouths, so to speak.

She had the tension of the reins just so: her hands were in close touch with the horses' mouths and her keen gaze was fixed on the left-hand leading corner of the wall that crossed the bridge, a wall scarred by innumerable vehicles in the last four hundred years.