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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Horologist \Ho*rol"o*gist\, n. One versed in horology.


n. A person; someone who makes or repairs watches or clocks.


n. someone who makes or repairs watches [syn: watchmaker, horologer]

Usage examples of "horologist".

But he seems to say that God, who created this system and set it in motion, must from time to time reach in and tinker with it, as a horologist adjusts the workings of his clock.

This similitude, likening the universe to a clock, and God to a horologist, is faulty.

You may be sure, no one objected, and as if on cue-indeed, I am sure they planned it, Delaunay and Cecilie-the distant voice of a horologist crying midnight in the square filtered through the balcony windows into the waiting silence.

He never took anything that belonged to his life as a horologist to Park Lane because he was certain that his rooms there had been searched more than once.

Vadim held it up to one of his eyes, for all the world like a horologist studying some fabulous movement.

Chilton told me that a master horologist sells timepieces, not trollops.