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a. (alternative form of horn-rimmed English)

Usage examples of "hornrimmed".

He was a gray-haired, intense-looking man, with big fleshy ears and heavy hornrimmed spectacles.

He was in his fifties and wore thick black hornrimmed glasses and a sour frown that made Mitch suspect he could never get the smell of embalming fluid out of his nose.

The door opened and the Security man came in, followed by a tall man of about thirty with sandy hair and hornrimmed glasses.

He glanced over the top of his hornrimmed glasses at her when she entered the room, and his gaze froze.

He was a youngish man, With large features and hornrimmed glasses, his rough English-cut clothes hanging loosely over his broad, spare frame.

But for his hornrimmed glasses, he might have been an efficient, not very well-fed courtier in a royal household.