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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Horizontally \Hor`i*zon"tal*ly\, adv. In a horizontal direction or position; on a level; as, moving horizontally.


adv. In a horizontal direction or position.


adv. in a horizontal direction; "a gallery quite often is added to make use of space vertically as well as horizontally"

Usage examples of "horizontally".

As with horizontally extended radicles, of which the tip has been cut off or destroyed, the part which ought to bend most remains motionless for many hours or days, although exposed at right angles to the full influence of geotropism, we must conclude that the tip alone is sensitive to this power, and transmits some influence or stimulus to the adjoining parts, causing them to bend.

It is configured ab initio as a dynamic and flexible systemic structure that is articulated horizontally.

In the same way, auxins will concentrate on the lower side of a stem held horizontally, curving the tip upward.

The Baptist jumped to his feet and stood rigid, his legs spread wide and his heavy crude staff grasped horizontally before him.

The administration slices crime horizontally into categories: theft, bunco, vice, homicide.

Work on the Engineer was done most efficiently when that alien was lying horizontally on one of the cots, but with both Giles and the Captain pushing and tugging at him, to wind or secure a cord about one of his limbs, his body bobbed or floated away into the air.

Occasionally, as we floated down, vineyards were visible with the vines trained on horizontal trellises, or bamboo rails, often forty feet long, nailed horizontally on cryptomeria to a height of twenty feet, on which small sheaves of barley were placed astride to dry till the frame was full More forest, more dreams, then the forest and the abundant vegetation altogether disappeared, the river opened out among low lands and banks of shingle and sand, and by three we were on the outskirts of Niigata, whose low houses,--with rows of stones upon their roofs, spread over a stretch of sand, beyond which is a sandy roll with some clumps of firs.

For some seventy feet it rose a beautiful tapering brown pillar without a single branch, but at that height splendid dark green boughs, which, looked at from below, had the appearance of gigantic fern-leaves, sprang out horizontally from the trunk, projecting right over the house and flower-garden, to both of which they furnished a grateful proportion of shade, without -- being so high up -- offering any impediment to the passage of light and air.

He turned to see Sheriff Hazen, yawning and rubbing his stubbly chin, the hair on one side of his head sticking out horizontally.

The interior was too dark to make out details but Vincas got an impression of vast rectangular plates lined up horizontally, not quite touching.

Malipieri held the iron horizontally against the stone with both hands, turning it a little after Masin had struck it with the sledge.

There were many nests in the scrub pandanus bushes that stood out almost horizontally from the wall of rock.

The wind is still strong, and it blows flakes almost horizontally across the window of Le Shalom Restaurant and Coffee Shop.

His high, shaved forehead was divided horizontally by a faded blue towel, twisted into a roll and tied in front.

Flat roofs sprouted sail-like solar panels that turned lazily to bake themselves in the intense light: they cast long shadows over the silver-rib heat dissipater fins of air conditioners that sprawled horizontally below them.