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a. Without a horizon.

Usage examples of "horizonless".

Macaulay, in his Essay, has much to say about the splendor and horizonless magnitude of that equipment.

At first, it was only a dim shape lost in the horizonless vast of the sea, then it came closer with astonishing speed.

All humanity was experimenting, striking out after paths in a suddenly horizonless world.

Tommy-phobia has backed off nicely, but the trough of soul-delay has opened out into horizonless horse latitudes.

She indicated the horizonless surface through which they were traipsing.

They journeyed westward at a time when Red River carts still creaked along the Battleford Trail and buffalo bones littered the horizonless prairie.

And then they seemed to stand upon a horizonless plateau, perfectly flat with occasional green and blue geometric constructions rising from it.

Beyond the orphan houses the street petered out into a row of iron pylons and high-tension wires, then grass with a few straggling geese, and finally fields, horizonless fields, fields stretching out into nowhere, fields in which the liquid mud of the Morava is lost to sight.

Stinks--and then a breath of Oriental perfume--spices, dry dung and the horizonless scent of piles of gunny-sacks.

Probably they became disoriented in the horizonless darkness, with the occasional single lights of planes and ships the only reference, and flew into the ocean.

He passed up through the engine-core space, past endless kilometers of fuel cells, the horizonless geometry of antimatter globes of frozen metallic hydrogen, and past the ring on ring and bastion on bastion of thought-boxes and ship-brains englobing the living quarters.

Sky, sun and desert lost definition, became merged into one strange brassy twilight In that distanceless and horizonless half-gloom Stark and Ashton came to the top of a ridge and saw Gelmar's party ahead, a line of dark figures clotted together, puffs of blowing sand rising beneath them as they moved.