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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
hopelessly wrong
▪ In most cases judges are right, but in a few they are hopelessly wrong.
totally/wholly/woefully/hopelessly etc inadequate
▪ The building’s electrical system was completely inadequate.
▪ It had proved hopelessly inadequate during the revolution of 1905-6.
▪ These students traverse course after remedial course, becoming increasingly turned off to writing, increasingly convinced that they are hopelessly inadequate.
▪ It is not possible to be much more precise than this without becoming hopelessly entangled in a series of impossible dilemmas.
▪ The result was that his daily arrangements became hopelessly dislocated.
▪ He was baffled by arithmetic and hopelessly confused by those twin horrors, history and geography.
▪ In such a day, wars are usually the overt result of hopelessly confused covert causes.
▪ She was hopelessly confused, not wanting to lose Georg, but at the same time obsessed with the pull of Gesner.
▪ She was falling hopelessly in love with the man.
▪ If growth continued, the population and the water would fall hopelessly out of balance.
▪ I was too afraid of falling hopelessly in love with this protégé of Yukio Mishima, whose marvellous homoerotic poems I translated.
▪ And, unknown to her father, I fell hopelessly in love with her.
▪ The independent ethic they had courted so successfully since their conception was beginning to fall hopelessly apart.
▪ By that time I was hopelessly lost and hopelessly bored.
▪ I sensed that she loved her little girl a great deal but was feeling hopelessly lost about how to cope with her.
▪ OnceI think it was in Munich; maybe Colognehe got hopelessly lost and needed to pull over to look at the map.
▪ "I feel like quitting," she said hopelessly.
▪ Sanders said that Congress was hopelessly out of touch with the needs of ordinary citizens.
▪ We're hopelessly behind schedule.
▪ After about twenty minutes, walking and fishing, she realised that she was hopelessly lost.
▪ And, unknown to her father, I fell hopelessly in love with her.
▪ From that moment, it was doomed to become a huge, sprawling, one-story conurbation, hopelessly dependent on the automobile.
▪ He loved a lifeless thing and he was utterly and hopelessly wretched.
▪ He shrugged again, smiling hopelessly.
▪ Many considered the Booker Washington area hopelessly blighted.
▪ Perhaps my notion of wilderness is romantic and hopelessly out of date, but I have to say that I find paragliding an intrusion.
▪ They went almost hopelessly into the great wilderness of trees where it seemed impossible to find anything.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Hopeless \Hope"less\, a.

  1. Destitute of hope; having no expectation of good; despairing.

    I am a woman, friendless, hopeless.

  2. Giving no ground of hope; promising nothing desirable; desperate; as, a hopeless cause.

    The hopelessword of ``never to return'' Breathe I against thee, upon pain of life.

  3. Unhoped for; despaired of. [Obs.]
    --Marston. -- Hope"less*ly, adv. -- Hope"less*ness, n.


adv. In a manner showing no hope

  1. adv. in a hopeless manner; "the papers were hopelessly jumbled"; "he is hopelessly romantic"

  2. in a dispirited manner without hope; "the first Mozartian opera to be subjected to this curious treatment ran dispiritedly for five performances" [syn: dispiritedly]

  3. without hope; desperate because there seems no possibility of comfort or success; "he hung his head hopelessly"; "`I must die,' he said hopelessly" [ant: hopefully]


"Hopelessly" is a pop song performed by English singer Rick Astley and written by Rob Fisher and himself. It was produced by Gary Stevenson and Astley. The song was recorded for Astley's fourth album, Body & Soul. The single peaked at number 33 in UK charts. It peaked 28 in the US and 3 in Canada. It is still a recurrent play on most North America hot AC stations.

Astley retired shortly afterwards the release, making "Hopelessly" the last single he would release until 2001.

Usage examples of "hopelessly".

Royalist critics on the Right charged that his mediating, unifying role as National Guard commander was hopelessly undercut by his advocacy of natural rights and his tolerance of popular movements that could lead only to social disintegration.

In my humble opinion the ordinary method of agitating by way of petitions, deputations and the like is no remedy for moving to repentence a Government so hopelessly indifferent to the welfare of its charges as the Government of India has proved to me.

Mr Boffin, who was not a rich man, nor by any means indifferent to the comforts of office, had felt keenly the injury done to him when he was left hopelessly in the cold by the desertion of his old friends.

Hopelessly, Cayle moved out of her line of vision and sank into a seat.

Men had gone mad, in these first minutes following decarbonization, hopelessly, utterly madunable ever again to reorganize the ten-billion individual images that comprised a lifespan into any kind of coherent, selective order.

Those ducks of late had been all definitely painters, etchers, or sculptors, so that her impatience with the Forsytes and their hopelessly inartistic outlook had become intense.

And so these two groups of scientists, the evolutionistic biologist and the physicists are hopelessly at odds.

The Commander looked hopelessly at his salvo button, and then at the clock that showed two hours must pass before Gizmo could reasonably be hoped for.

From this day I became her intimate friend, but without the slightest idea of an intrigue, leaving all that to a French priest who was hopelessly in love with her, and had thrown up his chances of preferment for her sake.

It was inimitably alien, coughing up color and processed culture to lure in money, but hopelessly foreign to those who cared to stay longer.

The deputies struggled to break up the Ironheads, but they were hopelessly outnumbered.

But more important, his whisperings kept her from being totally and hopelessly lonely without Kapu and her wolf pack.

Probably the entail is hopelessly below the cost of keeping up Katzenjammer Castle.

He offered Brat a bed, but Brat compromised on the loan of a waterproof and a torch, and found his way back to Latchetts by the soaking field-path with the rain still pouring hopelessly down.

Sky was clouding: the green light deepened, drowning the island of Malta and the island of Fausto and Elena hopelessly deeper in its oneiric chill.