n. (context Geordie and Scotland English) house
Hoose is a disease of sheep, cattle, goats, and swine caused by the presence of various species of nematodes of the genera Dictyocaulus, Metastrongylus, and Protostrongylus in the bronchial tubes or in the lungs. It is marked by cough, dyspnea, anorexia and constipation. Also called verminous bronchitis. Hoose is essentially an infantile disease, almost always afflicting animals under one year of age.
Usage examples of "hoose".
Joe starts telling the citizen about the foot and mouth disease and the cattle traders and taking action in the matter and the citizen sending them all to the rightabout and Bloom coming out with his sheepdip for the scab and a hoose drench for coughing calves and the guaranteed remedy for timber tongue.
So, wi' the most o' the Royal Hoose o' Lagan cauld in the clay, it were clear that me Tim had as guid a claim as ony an' far better nor some tae the throne o' his greatuncle.
Plus six curry hooses in' four chinkies, but they're aw indoors, doonstairs.
She’s too ill to step ootside the hoose, but ye can see hor telescope at the window watchin’, everything as gans on.
The ge'ldin' were a puir, partial payment tae ye for a' ye done in service tae the Hoose o' Whyffler.
The geldin' were 't' puir, partial payment tae ye for a' ye done in service tae the Hoose o' Whyffler.
The trows poured some o' swatts in a basin and washed their baby in it, and then baby's clothes, and then poured the mess back into keg, sayin', 'Tak' ye dat for no haein' clean water ae da hoose.
Wi' loan o' Tara troops, me force were near twicet agin the o' ony ithers, an' as King Ahmladh IV, Tim now be into if secun' year o' his reign, is wedded a year tae a pretty, little thing oof 'n the Hoose o' Muma an' she's a-nursin' a foine, strappin' bouchal twa moon, noo.