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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Hook-nosed \Hook"-nosed`\, a. Having a hooked or aquiline nose.


adj. having an aquiline nose

Usage examples of "hook-nosed".

They had been built some fifteen years earlier to house the thousands of books and copious other treasures of the Emperor Rudolf II, a bronze statue of whom, ruffed and bearded, hook-nosed and melancholic, was erected outside the south front.

A good many, though, were of the stockier, hook-nosed variety from the island of Alayisa to the east.

He felt the frustration of being outmanoeuvred, of trying to double-guess the hook-nosed, blue eyed General who opposed him.

Imbertine and the hook-nosed woman, Mariche, would play Gallio Hazard and Desir of Harmsway—not easy parts, requiring a lot of coordination, and Lioe hoped they had played together before.

He had a red hook-nosed face with deep lines, a bully's face the face of the schoolyard terror who had never grown up.

He had a red hook-nosed face with deep lines, a bully's face - the face of the schoolyard terror who had never grown up.

Great winged man-headed bulls marched in high relief along those walls, twice her height and made of molded brick, their bodies painted red, wings blue, stern hook-nosed faces with blue-black beards and golden crowns.