Usage examples of "honte".
Fut-ce ce sentiment de fausse honte, fut-ce la magie, la suggestion de ces bruits?
Do not overlook the desire for spiritual advice and consolation which patients sometimes feel, and, with the frightful mauvaise honte peculiar to Protestantism, alone among all human beliefs, are ashamed to tell.
He is a person of good address,--to be sure, and quite free of the mauvaise honte, and he may have seen a good deal of service.
CHAPTER V: CHARACTERS Ay impute a honte plus que mediocre etre vu spectateur ocieux de tant vaillans, disertz, et chevalereux personnaiges.
Que fait monter la honte sur mon front, Jetez un seul regard sur votre humble servante Qui, soumise a vos lois, et pleure et se lamente.
Fut-ce ce sentiment de fausse honte, fut-ce la magie, la suggestion de ces bruits?
I tippled and talked, for I was not troubled with mauvaise honte even at sixteen, and at eight o'clock I rose to take leave.
In this situation, candour, and an honest confession that I felt a mauvaise honte in disclosing my passion to my father, would undoubtedly have been my safest course.