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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Honors are easy

Easy \Eas"y\, a. [Compar. Easier; superl. Easiest.] [OF. aisi['e], F. ais['e], prop. p. p. of OF. aisier. See Ease, v. t.]

  1. At ease; free from pain, trouble, or constraint; as:

    1. Free from pain, distress, toil, exertion, and the like; quiet; as, the patient is easy.

    2. Free from care, responsibility, discontent, and the like; not anxious; tranquil; as, an easy mind.

    3. Free from constraint, harshness, or formality; unconstrained; smooth; as, easy manners; an easy style. ``The easy vigor of a line.''

  2. Not causing, or attended with, pain or disquiet, or much exertion; affording ease or rest; as, an easy carriage; a ship having an easy motion; easy movements, as in dancing. ``Easy ways to die.''

  3. Not difficult; requiring little labor or effort; slight; inconsiderable; as, an easy task; an easy victory.

    It were an easy leap.

  4. Causing ease; giving freedom from care or labor; furnishing comfort; commodious; as, easy circumstances; an easy chair or cushion.

  5. Not making resistance or showing unwillingness; tractable; yielding; complying; ready.

    He gained their easy hearts.

    He is too tyrannical to be an easy monarch.
    --Sir W. Scott.

  6. Moderate; sparing; frugal. [Obs.]

  7. (Com.) Not straitened as to money matters; as, the market is easy; -- opposed to tight.

    Honors are easy (Card Playing), said when each side has an equal number of honors, in which case they are not counted as points.

    Syn: Quiet; comfortable; manageable; tranquil; calm; facile; unconcerned.