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  1. excel in academics. alt. (plural of honor English) n. (plural of honor English) v

  2. (en-third-person singular of: honor)

Usage examples of "honors".

Artful men, who study the passions of princes, and conceal their own, approached his person in the disguise of philosophic sanctity, and acquired riches and honors by affecting to despise them.

Prince of the Senate, which had always been bestowed, by the censors, on the citizen the most eminent for his honors and services.

When the allies of Rome claimed an equal share of honors and privileges, the senate indeed preferred the chance of arms to an ignominious concession.

Many cities of the East were stripped of their ancient honors, and obliged to pay, into the treasury of Severus, four times the amount of the sums contributed by them for the service of Niger.

Christian benevolencethe tranquil heroism of endurance, the blameless purity, the contempt of guilty fame and of honors destructive to the human race, which, had they assumed the proud name of philosophy, would have been blazoned in his brightest words, because they own religion as their principlesink into narrow asceticism.

They enjoyed the religion of their ancestors, whilst in civil honors and advantages they were exalted, by just degrees, to an equality with their conquerors.

Roman name, and a desire, which was seldom disappointed, of sharing, in due time, its honors and advantages.

Without destroying the distinction of ranks, a distant prospect of freedom and honors was presented, even to those whom pride and prejudice almost disdained to number among the human species.

The veteran soldier contemplated the story of his own campaigns, and by an easy illusion of national vanity, the peaceful citizen associated himself to the honors of the triumph.

It was from the success, not from the justice, of their enterprises, that they expected the honors of a triumph.

To these accumulated honors, the policy of Augustus soon added the splendid as well as important dignities of supreme pontiff, and of censor.

Nero was the last prince who could allege any hereditary claim to the honors of the Julian line.

His name, his wealth, his honors, were the gift of a master, who might, without injustice, resume what he had bestowed.

The innocent victims, who yet survived, were recalled from exile, released from prison, and restored to the full possession of their honors and fortunes.

The Pannonian army was at this time commanded by Septimius Severus, a native of Africa, who, in the gradual ascent of private honors, had concealed his daring ambition, which was never diverted from its steady course by the allurements of pleasure, the apprehension of danger, or the feelings of humanity.