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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

fem. proper name, from Latin Honoria, fem. of Honorius "man of reputation," from honos (see honor (n.)).

Honoria (disambiguation)

Justa Grata Honoria was a granddaughter of the Roman Emperor Theodosius I.

Honoria may also refer to:

Usage examples of "honoria".

Dougless was dressed, Honoria led her to the Presence Chamber, where Lady Margaret and her oldest son were playing a game of chess.

She asked Honoria what a callet was and found out it was a lewd woman.

But the fair Honoria had no sooner attained the sixteenth year of her age, than she detested the importunate greatness which must forever exclude her from the comforts of honorable love.

There was an air of sweet, soft femininity, almost a maternal quality about Honoria, which made her appear a trifle fragile.

In disbelief, Dougless had asked Honoria to explain these sumptuary laws.

Deciding she might as well eat, Honoria selected a small tea cake and nibbled delicately.

Honoria put her tuppence worth into the discussion over whether sprigged muslin would still be all the rage next Season.