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n. One who receives an honor.

Usage examples of "honorand".

At length, still silent, she drew her companion onward once more and, followed by Marvin, continued through the 436 CAPTAIN CAUTION formal gardens that lay between the court of honorand the squat, round-topped tower in which the chateau ended.

Instead, all he possessed after a long life of service was his honorand a few friends to brighten the way.

He could see Kory grinninghe, Beth, and Ria were seated beside the Prince and Princess in seats of honorand Beth shot him a thumbs-up of approval.

He rode in at the head of a magnificent procession, befitting his dignity and his rank, and beside him in the place of honorand on a very fine white marerode Princess Theophanu fitted out in equally fine clothing, obviously a gift from him.

It was clear that he considered Arthur and his knights to be a gang of ruffians, without breeding, without honorand certainly without the proper religious beliefs.

She will tempt him to extravagance he cannot afford and to acts that will undermine his honorand her brother will aid and abet her.

He was carrying the Patrol flagthe position of honorand everyone cheered to see it.

If there was one thing she knew, one thing she could trust in this unstable world of vain ladies and cruel magistrates, it was that the earl of Hepburn was a man of honorand his honor demanded that he come for her.