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n. (plural of homicide English)

Usage examples of "homicides".

It may seem odd--but when your life is filled with homicides and other tragedies, you have to learn to take time for yourself.

Most homicides are solved in the first seventy-two hours or not at all.

We have damn near an unlimited supply of aging homicides involving black males.

Jessie had passed all the questions about the homicides, showing no signs of deception on the charts.

Before people start asking why this deranged ex-serviceman shot an admiral, committed two homicides in Fairfax County, and tried to kill two federal officers, all because two staffies in Saigon were afraid to tell their boss that one of their skippers had abandoned a guy in the Rung Sat zone?

All of the homicides occurred either on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday early-morning hours.

In my opinion, this series of homicides was not perpetrated by someone who set up a challenge against law enforcement.

He would not have been visibly shaken or upset if directly accused of the homicides because he believed they were justified in removing garbage from the streets.

First of all, these murders are what we would term personal-cause homicides, which simply means acts ensuing from interpersonal aggression.

And there is no evidence of a group-cause homicide, which would include cult and extremist murders, hostage situations, or what we refer to as group-excitement homicides, in which two or more people commit murder as a result of the spontaneous excitement of the moment.

Because of where the crimes took place, we have to strongly consider that they may be domestic homicides, a subcategory of personal-cause homicides.

And it is unfortunately true that many homicides go unsolved, particularly in jurisdictions without a lot of experience working them.

What flashed through my mind was that fully 90 percent of all homicides were about money or sex.

We solve most homicides because most people are killed by people they know.