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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ For example homeworkers in the East Midlands were paid 3.5 pence for straightening before packing a dozen tights.
▪ Here the homeworkers poorly paid job dovetails neatly into the work for which she is not paid at all.
▪ How far homeworkers share similar conditions and perceptions of their situation can therefore be fully investigated.
▪ In fact few homeworkers enjoy employee status.
▪ She was especially concerned with the plight of women homeworkers.
▪ She was in fact not only a housewife but a homeworker, sewing blouses at 35p a piece.
▪ The 1911 National Insurance Act undoubtedly reduced the number of homeworkers still further.
▪ The benefits of increased efficiency have to be shared properly and the invisibility and marginality of homeworkers has to go.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

homeworker \homeworker\ n. A person who works at home for pay.


n. A person who works from home (homeworking).


Homeworkers or home workers are defined by the International Labour Organization as people working from their homes or from other premises of their choosing other than the workplace, for payment, which results of a product or service specified by the employer. There are an estimated 300 million homeworkers in the world , though because these workers generally function in the informal economy, and are seldom registered and often not contracted, exact numbers are difficult to come by. Recently, the phenomenon of homework has grown with increased communication technology, as well as changes in supply chains, particularly the development of Just In Time inventory systems. Homeworkers are often employed in piece work.

Homeworkers differ from entrepreneurs, or self-employed, or family business, in that they are hired by companies for specific activities or services to be done from their homes. Homeworkers do not own or operate the business they work for. Though there is a significant body of highly skilled homeworkers, particularly in information technology, most homeworkers are considered low skilled labour. Recently, working conditions have worsened for homeworkers , and they are becoming a point of concern for international development organizations and non-governmental organizations .