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Homert (Lenne Mountains)

The Homert, at , is the highest of the Sauerland's Lenne Mountains and lies in the county of Hochsauerlandkreis, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It is also the highest mountain and namesake for the Homert Nature Park and the highest point on the southeastern ridge, the Homert (also Die Homert or Homertrücken).


Homert is a German placename and may refer to the following places or geographical features in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia:

  • Homert (Lüdenscheid), a village named after the peak in the Ebbe Mountains in the municipality of Lüdenscheid in
Mountains and hills (sorted by height)
  • Homert (Lenne Mountains) , near Eslohe-Obersalwey in the Lenne Mountains, Homert Nature Park, county of Hochsauerlandkreis
  • Homert (Ebbe Mountains) , near Lüdenscheid-Homert in the Ebbe Mountains, Ebbegebirge Nature Park, county of Märkischer Kreis
  • Homert (Olpe) , near Olpe-Oberneger in the Ebbegebirge Nature Park, county of Olpe
  • Homert (Oberbergischer Kreis) , near Gummersbach-Oberrengse in the Bergisches Land Nature Park, county of Oberbergischer Kreis
  • Homert (Altenaffeln) , near Neuenrade-Altenaffeln in the Lenne Mountains, Homert Nature Park, county of Märkischer Kreis
Nature parks
  • Homert Nature Park, in the counties of Märkischer Kreis, Hochsauerlandkreis and Olpe