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n. (context science fiction English) A holographic projection.

Usage examples of "holoprojection".

The holoprojection of an old-style sea chest appeared, made entirely of gold with precious-gem studs inlaid on its top and sides in the patterns of blue Harkonnen griffins.

Following the holoprojection of Rhombur, they had separated for security purposes, finding different bolt-holes in which to live.

Four were only holoprojections, which he detected by noticing subtle differences in light and reflection, a trick Thufir Hawat had taught him.

Jedi Master Arligan Zey, hands clasped behind his back, paced up and down in front of the screen, cloak flapping, breaking the holoprojection each time.

His training in desert and mountain and jungle had been entirely artificial, holoprojection, simulation.

Before he could grow angrier, he commanded the holoprojections to begin.

It will be a day of celebration for Caladan, with holoprojections transmitted around the globe.