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n. (plural of hologram English)

Usage examples of "holograms".

Ragged holograms of hula dancers swayed in the darkness, lifesize plastic flamingoes stood among the trees, and a number of naked and half-naked couples were making love on the Astroturf, apparently unconcerned about who might be watching them.

The holograms in niches of scores and scores more gods and goddesses reinforced his hypothesis.

In another room, faded holograms of starfields and ringfields moved over and through the observers.

The skysigns had become virtually indecipherable, and the tall, squirming holograms had turned green and magenta and were losing their integrity.

The holograms were now clear and ghostly among the first shimmering desert stars.

The barroom decorations, the neon signs, the helix machines, the risque holograms were totally absent.

Cyberstar holograms be programmed to, like, do anything, not play parts in a film, just do what you wanted them to do?

And he looked at the Cyberstar system and he wanted to know whether the holograms could be made to do anything he wanted.

Behind the holograms, a gate slid open, and a creature was released from its cage.

There was a less elaborate situation room on Eclipse - kept up to date by a secret feed from a friendly command officer - so she knew the holograms would show several dozen fleets orbiting on-station, as well as an alarming number of pitched space battles.

When even her own supporters could not tear their eyes from the holograms of the angry-looking commanders, she saw that she was the one who had overplayed her hand.

Where was the UNAC physicist with his charts and pointer, his vocabulary full of coriolis effect and telemetry nulls, his animation holograms of how a radar horizon swallows a man-carrying capsule?

I think she wants Daugerd to come look at some holograms from a sweetmeat store as soon as she can get him to Cape Girardeau.

Hanrassy, the bending over the table, the walking around the holograms, the snap decision and then the thoughtful review of the decision, the frowning, the looking closer, and then, for good and all, the nod of confirmation, the farewell handshake with Hanrassy, the departure from the room, and Hanrassy reaching for her telephone.