The Holocron is a database and catalogue of the Star Wars expanded universe created by the publishing department of Lucas Licensing in January 2000. It is curated by Leland Chee, whose formal job title is Continuity database administrator, but who is known as Keeper of the Holocron by Star Wars fans; Chee describes it as a "dream job". The Holocron contains details and designs about the characters, creatures, languages, locations (planetary systems, planets, moons, cities and towns), vehicles, and weapons found in the fictional universe of Star Wars. Before creation of the Holocron, story synopses and glossary details about Star Wars were maintained in black binders referred to as " bibles".
The Holocron is used to establish continuity and prevent a reboot of the Star Wars universe, ensuring the integrity of "a singular continuity across all forms of media" using retroactive continuity to resolve discrepancies when necessary. New products are vetted against the Holocron and must be consistent with its contents or expand upon the Star Wars canon it contains. This includes all films, animated series, novels, comic books, manga, computer and video games, and merchandise such as toys and trading cards. Chee has said "In the end, my ongoing vision is that as long as there's the Holocron, Star Wars will not reboot".
The FileMaker database is named for an object within the Star Wars universe, a crystal "holographic chronicle" cube powered by the Force that is used as a repository of mystical Jedi knowledge.