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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Hollowly \Hol"low*ly\, adv. Insincerely; deceitfully.


adv. in a hollow manner

Usage examples of "hollowly".

No matter how many times she plead her case Nick would never trust her, Bree realized hollowly now as she stared at his uncompromising stance.

The owners had hastily moved and the unfurnished rooms echoed hollowly to the sound of voices and the shuffling of feet.

And as Clive was carried by the guards from the cot to the hut of the white men, Munson turned to Ward, who was staring hollowly at the proceedings.

Curly shuffled to the end of the bar, coughed hollowly, and told Schwegel that he was a Detroit cabinet-maker out of a job.

Twanging of racquets, thudding of balls, thumping of plimsolled feet echoed hollowly in the court.

The rammers drew their horses aside so that Drehkos and most of his force might ride through the archway, hooves booming hollowly on the shattered portal.

They rocked and thumped hollowly against each other as eager fishers leaped along them and crowded close to the water, tridents in hand.

Their footsteps echoed hollowly against the dingy walls of dark brick as they made their way north, through the crisscrossings of the empty back streets that led toward the wider bouleĀ­vards.

Their footsteps echoed hollowly against the dingy walls of dark brick as they made their way north, through the crisscrossings of the empty back streets that led toward the wider boulevards.

He glanced toward Brandi, footsteps hollowly approaching on the marble, and she could see in Jeff's face his shining certainty of the future.

It banged hollowly and for a moment nothing happenedoh, Jesus, all for nothingbut then the dial tone came.

A voice that reverberated hollowly, like an audio track filtered electronically through an echo box in a sound studio.

Sir Roderick's return went high, the ball banging hollowly against a piece of woodshaped like a Gothic arch and simulating a monastery pigeon-coteon the wall behind Kitchener.

His laugh echoed hollowly in her skull as he plunged her back into nothingness.

Robert Neville's footsteps thudded hollowly up the marble steps of the Los Angeles Public Library.