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holler out

v. shout out; "He hollered out to surrender our weapons" [syn: holler]

Usage examples of "holler out".

The chef behind the counter began to holler out some kind of ritual greeting, which faltered and trailed off as he got a look at what had just come in.

But when I came back upstairs again later she said, 'Didn't I hear you holler out Dan a little while ago?

Just range up to a bar and holler out loud, 'Gimme a cocktail, and darn the police!

You make sure you holler out, now and again, so's he knows it's you!

The connection was bad and we could barely hear each other over the static on the line, but I did manage to holler out what I needed, asking him if he'd expedite the request form I'd sent to the DMV in Tallahassee.