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hold true

vb. 1 (context intransitive idiomatic English) to be true, valid or applicable 2 (context intransitive idiomatic English) to remain true, valid or applicable; to apply

Usage examples of "hold true".

Didn't really hold true with Mother controlling the weather, but I think the conditions might have reestablished themselves.

And in degree, all this will hold true concerning whaling vessels crossing each other's track on the cruising-ground itself, even though they are equally long absent from home.

However, after the destruction of his advanced fleet base on Grautier he had come to realize that the proverbial did not always hold true.

Unfortunately for the Royal Manticoran Navy, that rule didn't always hold true.

It especially didn't hold true when the battleship's captain had the nerve to take her own impellers off-line and just sit there like a hole in space until the Manties were actually in extreme missile range.

Until becoming acquainted with you Tosevites, we thought it must necessarily hold true for any intelligent species.

Now we discover it does not even necessarily hold true for ourselves.

I had failed to take into account that if her theory was true, if she was a human who had been neuro-chemically programmed into believing she was a synthetic that thought it was human, then why wouldn't her response to the verbal commands hold true to the technical documentation?

For the matrix of cause and effect, the mathematics of chance, may not hold true on an alien planet as they hold true on Earth.

The Archivists tended to robes, with deep pockets and wide sleeves that could also serve as pockets, but that did not even hold true throughout the chapter.