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hold court

vb. 1 (context of a king or other high-ranking aristocrat English) To preside in a formal manner over an official assembly of courtiers and others in which entertainment is presented or affair of state are considered. 2 (context legal of a judge or equivalent official English) To convene or preside over a trial or other legal proceeding in a court of law. 3 (context idiomatic by extension English) To serve as the principal discussant or center of attention in an informal gathering of friends, associates, etc.

Usage examples of "hold court".

Were I to hold court here, and rule on this, I would myself be usurping the prince’.

Were I to hold court here, and rule on this, I would myself be usurping the prince's powers.

It was a mistake of Tremouille and her other ill-wishers to let her hold court those nights.

You shall wear it, if you will, when Uther is made High King in the church and crowned, and afterward he will hold court for all his men and all their ladies, before he goes to the West country for their kingmaking,”.

It was usual for babies to hold court, and be exclaimed over, as the wonders they were.

Darrow hold court with the journalists in a way what showed that the Chicago lawyer was very at home with the process.

Clucking his tongue, he set the missive aside with the rest and went to hold court.