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Hokan (disambiguation)

Hokan may refer to:

  • Hokan languages
  • Hokan, Hsi Hseng, Burma
  • Taikomochi are male geisha, also referred to as hōkan

Usage examples of "hokan".

Neimoidians had a taste for elaborate and wholly inappropriate grandeur, and Ghez Hokan despised them for it.

Ankkit gathered his robes a little closer and drew himself up to his full height, which had no effect on Hokan at all.

The UbeseCailshhwas standing absolutely still in the middle of the room as Hokan circled.

Ghez Hokan never took kindly to being summoned, but Ovolot Qail Uthan had the gift of being charming about it.

Uthan blinked for a second, and Hokan realized she had taken longer than usual to understand what he meant.

And then Hokan was on top of her, holding her under the water with one hand, and she dropped the lightsaber.

It was all vulgar theatrics, but Hokan had waited a long time for this.

Ghez Hokan surveyed the scrap heap that had been a functioning droid platoon a few hours earlier.

Uthan looked completely impassive, staring slightly past Hokan as if she was calculating something.

The droids moved as one, even in the darkness, and Hokan again admired their precision.

Ghez Hokan and his lieutenants Cuvin and Hurati stood in the path of the blaze, staring back at it from three hundred meters.

Cuvin started to follow, too, but Hokan held up his hand to motion him to stay put.

Barring luck, Hokan would never catch them, not with droids and these young academy theorists.

It might have been a female, because you never could tell with Ubese, but Hokan suspected it was male.

He stood almost a head taller than Hokan even without the headdress, which was rustling as if some creature had landed in it and was struggling to escape.