Crossword clues for hofmann
Hofmann is a Michelin starred restaurant in Barcelona, Spain.
Usage examples of "hofmann".
Chief among these was the mild radiance of which Miss Hofmann was the centre.
When at last, at dinner-time, he reappeared in the drawing-room, Miss Hofmann greeted him almost as an old friend.
Mason has enumerated my virtues, and Miss Hofmann has added them up: total, a well-meaning bore.
The intervals of silence, indeed, which enlivened his conversation with Miss Hofmann, might easily have been taken for the confident pauses in the talk of old friends.
Seated at the instrument, at the farther end of the half-darkened room, with her figure in half-profile, and her features, her movements, the colour of her dress, but half defined in the cool obscurity, Miss Hofmann would discourse infinite melody.
Miss Hofmann had been trying to decipher a difficult piece of music, the Doctor had been trying to assist her, and they had both been brought to a stop.
Miss Hofmann to the young man, nodding at her aunt, who looked every inch the handsome woman that she was.
And Miss Hofmann extended a long white arm, and drew back with her other hand the bracelet from her wrist.
Miss Hofmann passed her full white drapery into his hands, and then turned about her fair shoulders.
Miss Hofmann turned the horse toward the cottage, which stood at the head of a lane, a few yards from the road.
Miss Hofmann released from her grasp the skirts which she had gathered up in her passage from the phaeton, and strolled to the edge of the cliff, where she stood for some moments talking with her little guide.
Suddenly Miss Hofmann rose from her seat, and, after a short interval, reappeared on the platform.
Miss Hofmann must have been somewhat surprised, and even slightly puzzled.
Miss Hofmann may very well have effected the little transaction I speak of, and yet have remained, as she did remain, gracefully wrapped in her shawl, with the same serious smile on her face.
Miss Hofmann apprehended a scene, I do not assert that she did, she was saved.