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n. (context obsolete English) A coal miner who hauls hods from the workface

Hodder (London cricketer)

Hodder (first name and dates unknown) was an English cricketer who played in first-class cricket for London Cricket Club during the 1740s. He is recorded in cricket's oldest surviving scorecard playing for London against Slindon at the Artillery Ground on Saturday, 2 June 1744. He scored six runs. Slindon won by 55 runs.

As Hodder had established his reputation by 1744, he must have been active for some years previously and his career probably began in the 1730s. Very few players were mentioned by name in contemporary reports and there are no other references to Hodder.

Usage examples of "hodder".

That night alone in his stateroom, Rhyden had realized grimly that Nimon Hodder had likely convinced them it was some sort of Elfin magic ritual, a curse or something he had placed upon the ship.

Nimon Hodder likes to make trouble, Odhran, and he will gladly draw you along with him, if he can.

A round of portars for our good Master Hodder and his crew, if you will .

He wanted to believe in the man's sincerity, not because he necessarily wanted to believe in Nimon Hodder, or count him as a friend.

Some he knew vaguely from past acquaintance, and some, like Hodder, were relatively unfamiliar to him.

He whirled about in a broad circle, his hands closing into fists, but Hodder had long since bolted into the crowd and disappeared.

Nimon Hodder and his ashore crew had not returned, either, and Wen had still harbored worries in the back of her mind that something bad might come of it.

Nimon Hodder had drugged him, Aedhir said, and then he had been smuggled into subterranean catacombs beneath the city, his face marked, his clothes stripped, his long hair shorn off.

So my policy is payment in full,” He looked at Hodder, “regardless of the price.

A ray of light from the lantern played across the shadow briefly, revealing the face of the assassin hired by Wuest, Hodder and Stroughton.

Drinaugh's head alone was nearly as large as the lanky Hodder was tall, but none of the three showed the slightest sign of fear.

Well, Mr Hodder and his very brave men are up there every night, keeping a look-out.

And to everyone at Hodder & Stoughton, especially my editor, George Lucas.

Tom Doherty, Linda Quinton, Jennifer Marcus, Heather Drucker, and Paul Stevens at Tor Books, and Julie Crisp at Hodder & Stoughton, helped keep all matters of production and promotion on track without letting their enthusiasm flag for a moment.

Stroughten, Wuest's other companion at the pub booth, was as ordinary in his appearance as Hodder was striking.