Hit-Girl (Mindy McCready) is a fictional character appearing in the Kick-Ass series, published by Marvel Comics under the company's imprint Icon Comics. The character was created by artist John Romita, Jr. and writer Mark Millar. She is a young but effective vigilante, trained by her father Damon McCready (a.k.a. Big Daddy) from an early age to be a costumed superhero and assassin. In Kick-Ass, she is introduced as a supporting character. She featured in her own self-titled comic book series, Hit-Girl, which was first published on 27 June 2012. She is portrayed by Chloë Grace Moretz in the feature film adaptations Kick-Ass and Kick Ass 2.
Hit-Girl is a creator-owned comic book series written by Mark Millar and illustrated by John Romita, Jr. The series is published by Marvel Comics under the company's Icon imprint. It takes place chronologically between the Kick-Ass comic book series and the Kick-Ass 2 comic book series.
Hit-Girl is a fictional character.
Hit-Girl or Hit Girl may also refer to:
- Hit-Girl (comic book), a comic with the above character as the main character
- "Hit Girl" (song), a 2007 single by Sébastien Léger