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hit point

n. 1 (context gaming English) A unit of damage, used to specify the amount of damage a character can withstand before it is defeated. 2 (context computer graphics English) In ray tracing, the point in a scene at which a ray strikes an object.

Usage examples of "hit point".

It's not everybody who gets hit point-blank with a bazooka shell and lives to tell about it.

It has an AC of 4 and 10 hit points, which do not count against the demon shark's hit point total.

The pen, like a small spear, hit point first and rattled into the bottom of the metal pail.

If either one takes even one hit point of damage, it will explode in a 20' radius, doing 6-36 hp damage to anyone in the area.

The shapechanger had managed to kill both Mona the woman warrior, and the Conan-jock, and Diefenbaker had been so badly hurt in the rescue attempt that he was down to one hit point, and his healing spells were used up.

But I must have thrown four hundred of the things, varying my grip slightly each time, until I got one to hit point first.