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hit out

vb. 1 (context idiomatic English) To react viciously (towards someone/something). 2 (context obsolete English) To perform by good luck.

Usage examples of "hit out".

It got rather dull, because the batsmen didn't seem able to make any runs, and they wouldn't hit out.

She hit out as lustily as if she had not considered the matter at all.

Something sharp goes completely through my arm, through my upper arm, and I scream and jerk my arm back and hit out with the bat.

Strike something, hit out again and there is adrenaline and anger and fear and pain and screaming black and a touch of insanity.

Presently Sir Henry, having caught a fresh stroke upon his shield, hit out with all his force.

A man bumping into another and feeling that he carried a parcel would snatch it and duck away, on the chance that it contained something to eat, while the loser clutched furiously at the air or hit out indiscriminately.