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historical record

n. writing having historical value (as opposed to fiction or myth etc.) [syn: historical document, historical paper]

Usage examples of "historical record".

Nevertheless, a review of the historical record indicates little in its favour.

Figures: the guy just cast no shadow at all on the historical record.

But there are other crucial nodalities, points of intervention, and thaumic occlusions in that version of Roundworld's historical record, and the wizards are exercising extreme care and attention in the hope of steering history through, past, and around these causal singularities.

And how can we assure that those two people get back to where they belong and live out the lives that are already a part of the historical record?

Even though we seldom find a complete historical record as we dig down through the rocks of any one area, a good record can be pieced together from overlapping portions in different areas (actually, although I use the image of 'digging down', palaeontologists seldom literally dig downwards through strata.

Obed Macy, the meticulous keeper of Nantucket's historical record, chose not to mention the disaster in his journal.

According to the historical record, he remained aboard to find his wife, and neither of them got out in time.

His other knowledge of the country was from the historical record.

There is nothing like this in any historical record I have ever heard of.

This would mean that the Middle Kingdom ended more recently than the accepted chronology holds, leading Velikovsky to reexamine the entire Egyptian-Hebrew historical record.

But it is a matter of historical record that in cultures where the organized religion held different views on morals, the exact opposite of every law I have referred to has had its day.