pron. (context neologism reflexive English) hir, themself; {{non-gloss definition|gender-neutral third-person singular object of a verb or preposition that also appears as the subject, coordinate with gendered (term: himself) and (term: herself).}}
Usage examples of "hirself".
Then s/he quickly reined hirself in, all too aware that losing hir temper at this point would not do hir the slightest bit of good.
S/he took a steady breath, tried to get hirself to proceed, and still was unable to do so.
Moreover, the outthrust leg left Selar completely off balance when it didn't connect, and Burgoyne snagged her ankle, braced hirself and threw.
Burgoyne was releasing hir hold, pushing hirself away from Selar, and there was no spring in hir movements, no grace.
S/he had seated hirself on the couch and was looking rather pleased with hirself.
S/he was becoming reacquainted with all mat s/he liked about hirself, and mat was quite a bit to like.
Hir nostrils flared, and s/he stopped where s/he was, balancing hirself on hir toes without thought, as if poising hirself to make some sort of an attack on whoever was there.
Burgoyne went to him and picked him up, holding him tight against hirself, gasping at the warmth, the pure, vital life of him.
S/he came back out moments later with a simple shift tossed over hirself and sat on the floor, staring up in wonderment as Slon bottle-fed Xyon.
S/he was having trouble wrapping hirself around what s/he was hearing.
S/he had promised hirself that s/he simply would not dwell on such depressing things.
In fact, with each passing day, Burgoyne found hirself wondering what s/he had ever seen in her anyway.
Although, truthfully, with Hermat physiology being what it was, s/he could just as easily describe hirself as "Mama" as well.
Burgoyne drew him closer to hirself and moved toward the shore with, strong, powerful thrusts of hir legs.
S/he found hirself wondering what hir social life was going to be like on a new vessel.