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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Hippuric \Hip*pu"ric\, a. [Gr. "i`ppos horse + o"y`ron urine: cf. F. hippurique.] (Physiol. Chem.) Obtained from the urine of horses; as, hippuric acid.

Hippuric acid, a white crystalline substance, containing nitrogen, present in the urine of herbivorous animals, and in small quantity in human urine. By the action of acids, it is decomposed into benzoic acid and glycocoll.


a. Of or pertaining to hippuric acid or its derivatives


Usage examples of "hippuric".

Many of the poisonous acids, such as hydriodic, benzoic, hippuric, and carbolic (but I neglected to record all the cases), caused the secretion of an extraordinary amount of mucus, so that long ropes of this matter hung from the leaves when they were lifted out of the solutions.