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hind tit

n. (context idiomatic English) An inferior source of food or other resources.

Usage examples of "hind tit".

For as much crime as there was now in Moscow, the local cops were still sucking hind tit when it came to government supĀ­.

In fact,' said the man, who was not a smooth-spoken character, 'as far as radar is concerned, corvettes are sucking on the hind tit.

Doctors and hospitals throughout the country were screaming for the kits, and in this case the Army was sucking hind tit.

For as much crime as there was now in Moscow, the local cops were still sucking hind tit when it came to government support.

If a plane goes down or the mayor has another coronary, come daybreak we're sucking hind tit to the TV stations.

Mckee might've kept quiet about something like that, especially if he tangled with Windy and come off sucking a hind tit.

But for the time being, the Chinks and the Japs are blood brothers, and it is we, Olaf, the deluded round-eyes, who are destined to suck on the hind tit.

Now, you know as well as I do that when the Navy thinks it's important to find out something, archeology, or any other science, is going to be sucking hind tit.

A nice little sopie of that, and you can't say I'm sucking on the hind tit.