- TV greeting
- Student's stadium sign
- Stereotypical TV shout-out
- Stereotypical sidelines greeting
- Stereotypical poster message from one hoping to be on TV
- Sign seen in stands
- Sign often seen in stands
- Sign message often seen on TV
- Sign in the bleachers
- Shout-out from the bleachers
- Shout-out from a sideline player
- Phrase spoken while waving at a TV camera
- Personal message to the TV camera
- Mugger's shout?
- Mugger's mouthing?
- Mugger's cliché
- Mouthed on-field greeting
- Message on a sign at a televised game
- May holiday message
- It might be said while waving on TV
- Homemade stadium sign
- Handmade stadium sign
- Handmade bleachers sign
- Greeting often requiring lip-reading
- Greeting often heard on the second Sunday in May
- Greeting mouthed to a stadium cam
- Greeting mouthed from the sidelines
- Fan's words to a camera, maybe
- Cute introduction from someone who's not used to being broadcast nationally
- Cry from a mugger?
- Common on-camera ad-lib
- Call-home opener
- Bleacher creature's message
- Athlete's words to the camera
- Athlete's TV shout-out
- Athlete's TV shout to a parent
- Athlete's TV greeting, at times
- Athlete's TV greeting
- Athlete's stereotypical TV greeting: 2 wds
- Athlete's on-camera words to his mother: 2 wds
- Athlete's greeting to the camera
- Athlete's camera greeting
- Affectionate sideline greeting
- "Look at me, I'm on TV!"
- Sign glimpsed on televised games
- Words mouthed to a TV camera
- Words mouthed at a TV camera
- Phrase spoken with a wave into a TV camera
- Bleachers sign
- Shout from the sidelines on TV
- Televised sign in football stands
- Sign in the stands
- Words mouthed to a camera
- TV shout-out from the team bench
- Stadium sign
- Sign in the bleachers at a football game
- Handmade sign for TV cameras
- Message on many a stadium sign
- Stadium shout-out
- Sign at a game
- Many a "Today" show sign
- Handmade sign at a stadium
- Handmade sign in a stadium
- Mouthed phrase from the bench
- Shout from a mugger?
- Mouthed sidelines greeting
- Words mouthed on a Jumbotron
- Words from a televised bystander
- Sign message at football games
- Sidelines TV greeting
- Sidelines salutation
- Sideline greeting
- Shout to a TV camera
- Frequent on-air greeting
- Athlete's televised greeting
- Athlete's on-air greeting: 2 wds
- Athlete's on-air greeting to his mother: 2 wds
- Words shouted while waving to the camera
- Words shouted on TV
- Words said while sitting on the bench
- Words said to a sideline camera
- Words often mouthed to a TV camera
- Words mouthed on camera, perhaps
- Words mouthed by televised athletes
- Words mouthed by sports fans on camera
- Words mouthed by some athletes
- Waver's phrase