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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Gloria's costume caused a good deal of hilarity.
▪ Fortunately there was little damage, so I can remember the event with hilarity.
▪ From an attitude of generosity, warm feeling and motherly goodness, she now had shifted into a mood of high hilarity.
▪ I drove without a word, letting myself float on the wave of their hilarity.
▪ Pantomime - what a good excuse to forget your age and join in with the booing, hissing, singing and hilarity.
▪ The general hilarity began to infect me and I could see Louise catching it.
▪ The seeds of hilarity spring from within me.
▪ To say that the men were in good spirits would but faintly express their good humor and hilarity.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Hilarity \Hi*lar"i*ty\ (?; 277), n. [L. hilaritas: cf. F. hilarit['e]. See Hilarious.] Boisterous mirth; merriment; jollity.

Note: Hilarity differs from joy: the latter, excited by good news or prosperity, is an affection of the mind; the former, produced by social pleasure, drinking, etc., which rouse the animal spirits, is more demonstrative.

Syn: Glee; cheerfulness; mirth; merriment; gayety; joyousness; exhilaration; joviality; jollity.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

mid-15c., from Latin hilaritatem (nominative hilaritas) "cheerfulness, gaiety, merriment," from hilaris "cheerful, gay," from Greek hilaros "cheerful, gay, merry, joyous," related to hilaos "graceful, kindly." In ancient Rome, Hilaria (neuter plural of hilaris) were a class of holidays, times of pomp and rejoicing; there were public ones in honor of Cybele at the spring equinoxes as well as private ones on the day of a marriage or a son's birth.


n. 1 (context uncountable English) A great amount of amusement, usually accompany by laughter. 2 (context countable English) Something that induces laughter.


n. great merriment [syn: mirth, mirthfulness, glee, gleefulness]

Usage examples of "hilarity".

This provoked hilarity among the onlookers, shaming to her and her nominee Albumarak, and quickly reproved by Doyenne Greetch, who reminded those in range of the loudeners of the antiquity of this custom.

Fresh energy curled up my arms with the unlooked-for hilarity, into my gekko hands, new tensile strength down the length of every finger.

Late at night my precarious shoji were accidentally thrown down, revealing a scene of great hilarity, in which a number of people were bathing and throwing water over each other.

Rose stood up, interrupting the hilarity of watching Dwayne discover Fontaine had made his piece of tiramisu with spackling compound instead of mascarpone.

One wave of hilarity seemed to overrush the next, and soon he was holding his side and coughing with the strength of the laughter shaking him.

There was much liberal hilarity over the fact that McCarthy and two of his assistants, Roy Cohn and David Schine, were at one time all unmarried men.

Laughing out loud and making jokes about the unfortunate fact that their camera man was sick with the flu that morning, they returned to their cars and drove off, their hilarity only serving to enrage Turney and Foster more.

His concern grew rapidly as he studied his out-of-control companions, while unprovoked, unrestrained hilarity reigned on the Bridge.

And bringing a ballcarrier down by dragging at the breechcloth was supposed to be outside the pale, but when it was done and resulted in a man revealed in all his deficiency, great hilarity ensued both in the crowd and among the players.

With considerable hilarity on the part of the girls, they passed noisily through the hall, past the big open doorway leading into the enormous barroom, and Awl- THE POODLE DOG 81 on up the heavily carpeted stairs to room number 10, at the head.

But if in these festival hours under the beam of Hecate they are uncontrollable by the Comic Muse, she will not flatter them with her presence during the course of their insane and impious hilarities, whereof a description would out-Brocken Brockens and make Graymalkin and Paddock too intimately our familiars.

This obvious contradiction of the truth provoked even more hilarity, and Laevo had to wait until the noise died down a little before continuing.

Large Looney was too furious to recognize an example of outright hilarity when he saw it, and proceeded to kick his partner in the side.

Archie, speaking as to a brother airman, made a clean breast of the John Macnab affair, he received the confession with obstreporous hilarity.

Toasting John Self with premixed martinis, 1 too was a cocktail shaker of hilarity and awe.