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Usage examples of "highlow".

All we've got to do is win once, maybe twice, and we can get all the way to the Highlow River.

He'd bypass whatever he could so he could move south into Cloviston and head for the Highlow River, where he could do King Geoffrey some good and embarrass and perhaps even hurt King Avram.

He's not about to go around the city and strike for the Highlow, not now, not after the lick I gave him.

He'd kept Bell and the Army of Franklin from reaching the Highlow River.

Instead, you had King Avram and me half out of our minds with worry that the Army of Franklin would get around you and head for the Highlow River.

He'd chased Guildenstern back into the Province of Cloviston, chased him almost to the Highlow River, and sworn an even greater oath to drive him out of Geoffrey's realm altogether.

But when John the Hunter led his unicorns south of the Highlow River to stir things up in our part of the kingdom last year, Father went out against him.

The year before, he and Roast-Beef William had commanded armies moving more or less together down into Cloviston, toward the Highlow River.

I aim to lift the southrons' yoke from Franklin, reconquer Ramblerton, sweep down into the province of Cloviston—my home province, I'll have you know—roll on to the Highlow River, and then, again with the help of the gods, cross the river and attack the town of Horatii in Highlow Province.

I aim to lift the southrons' yoke from Franklin, reconquer Ramblerton, sweep down into the province of Cloviston—my home province, I'll have you know—roll on to the Highlow River, and then, again with the help of the gods, cross the river and attack the town of Horatii in Highlow Province.