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The Collaborative International Dictionary

highbrow \highbrow\ highbrowed \highbrowed\adj. highly cultured or educated; pertaining to highly educated people; as, highbrow events such as the ballet or opera.


a. (context of a person English) highbrow; intellectual and cultured


adj. highly cultured or educated; "highbrow events such as the ballet or opera"; "a highbrowed literary critic" [syn: highbrow]

Usage examples of "highbrowed".

No more discussions of art with an arrogant, highbrowed snob who could not resist falling into full lecture mode at the drop of a museum catalog.

I'believe you agreed with me at the time and later went on to imply that you thought I was an arrogant, condescending, highbrowed snob.

He was highbrowed and handsome, with a thin wisp of beard and a tiny moustache.

The highbrowed music critics sat rapt in their places of honor at the head table.