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high colonic

n. irrigation of the colon for cleansing purposes by injecting large amounts of fluid high into the colon [syn: colonic, colonic irrigation]

Usage examples of "high colonic".

It took vicious, darwinian computation to make a high colonic sound like an afternoon at a spa.

In my opinion, Trout, far from giving yet another high colonic to our aborigines, is raising the question, perhaps too subtly, of whether great discoveries, such as the existence of another hemisphere, or of accessible atomic energy, really make people any happier than they were before.

If this is Memory Lane, Eddie thinks, I'd trade it for one great big brain enema: a mental high colonic.

It's been suggested by colleagues even more fanciful than I that Western Man needs an occasional high colonic, a purging, and this occurs at the end of centuries so that he can face the new century clean and full of optimism.